Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Down Time by: Mrs. H


Down time …. When there was any

Our 10-day trip was slam packed with 31 stops, early mornings, and late nights. While the students were not actively in a tour or sleeping there was fun times in the car and little moments between traveling that learning was occurring even when they didn’t realize it. The following are the many little moments that keep me as an advisor and teacher wanting to continue doing this trip again every year.


Pic 1&2: Playground fun. While at our Cotton wood HS FFA stop the students wanted to test out their playground. Some of these items at this playground have been removed from most of the playgrounds near us so they had a blast running around at the end of the tour. 

Pic 3: Talking about our experiences and the activities of the next day. This was an everyday thing after dinner, however one of our chaperones was able to catch this moment between myself, Mrs. Hamilton and the students.

Pic 4&5: Picking wild Black berries. There was some debate on whether these were black berries or mulberries but after thorough research we come to the conclusion that black berries grow on bushes with thorns and mulberries grow on trees and that these were in fact black berries and that depending on where you lived determined what you called them.

Video 6: Playing heads up in the car with Mrs. Hernandez (I was not driving). I screen recorded the students acting out the animals as I tried to guess. They loved it and this game was played a lot during car rides.

Pic 7&8: Power of Observation Dice game

Video 9: Tree hugging at the sweet potato farm while waiting for everyone to get out of the restroom. (I think the deliria of being tired had started to set in!) 

Pic 10&11: Trying raw sweet potatoes.

Pic 12&13: ICE CREAM!

Video 14: After ice-cream we had multiple requests to go and see the stars, Sooo… to a field we went and the students also got to see fireflies/Lighting bug (don’t get us started on what those are called too!)

Pic 14&16: Corn hole after dinner at 920 cattle and company

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Until Next Year

  This is the final entry for Summer Ag Tour 2022. Look for next year's blog as we travel to Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Sp...