Thursday, June 9, 2022

Driving Assignment #2 by: Angela, Arianna, Natalee, Ashley, and Kinley

What is a "Monoculture" in relation to agriculture? 

Farming is an important aspect of agriculture as it grows food for us to eat. Farming comes with a wide variety of methods to do so, one being monoculture. Monoculture is the act of growing only one crop species in a specific area. In contrast, a polyculture is when two or more crops are grown in a field. When choosing what crop to use for a monoculture farming, the farmer must take into account the weather. Plants that can thrive under harsh weather conditions are typically the best for monoculture farming. The most common is rice or wheat. Monoculture farming is also a lot easier than polyculture farming as the farmer has extra time to research and use more new technologies. If they had a polyculture farm, they would need to be concerned about the different things they would need for each crop as a lot of the times, the way crops are harvested are different. This also means the farmer can specialize in only one crop as they will only deal with the same problems that may come up when they grow and process the crop. If they had a polyculture farm, they would need to specialize in a wide variety of crops and know how to deal with a lot of different problems that may arise, which may not be attainable. This could lead to needing more staff with the knowledge of the different crops being used. In conclusion, monoculture farming comes with many advantages as overall, it is a way easier way of farming as it demands less effort, knowledge, and resources.

By: Angela, Arianna, Natalee, Ashley, and Kinley

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Until Next Year

  This is the final entry for Summer Ag Tour 2022. Look for next year's blog as we travel to Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Sp...