Sunday, June 5, 2022

Bogue Chitto Cotton Gin by: Joseph

Saturday we visited the Bogue Chitto Cotton Gin and let me tell you that was impressive! The cotton gin really does speed up the process of processing cotton. Less time taken is more money therefore the cotton industry is thriving. The cotton farming community really did impress me the way that everyone comes together to make each and every one of there farms improve and help them. It truly is amazing, if every other industry worked like the cotton industry every other industry would be so successful and make so much more money. 

The machine process was very impressive in the way that it worked and acted as an assembly line to make these 500 pound bails of cotton. The way that you waste nothing is really impressive. The videos that we watched showed us how the machine works and the harvesting process. We were able to take a close up look at the big cotton gins. There are lots of moving parts to separate the cotton from the seed. There are these finger like projections that pull at the cotton to remove the seeds. It would be fun to learn how to repair these big machines.

Did you know? Visit the National Cotton Council to learn more interesting things like...

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Until Next Year

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