Sunday, June 5, 2022

Cottonwood FFA by Natalee


Cottonwood FFA was our last stop on our second day. This was one of the places I was most excited to visit. I find joy in seeing how not only other schools run their programs but a school in a different state. The classroom was set up much like ours with a class that leads to a shop however, their shop had a much higher ceiling and some loft areas for storage. While there, we viewed the classroom where classes are taught and they had a large display of  ribbons, banners and signs that represent their chapter and their winnings. We viewed where they would grow crops when in season and we took a walk to their barn to see their animal housing. 

Everything was similar as to how we run our ag program and how it looks but it was also very unique. The school is a school for all grades (pre K to 12), so when walking to the barn we saw the layout of the school and their playgrounds. Mr. Nathen Butler, the ag teacher and FFA Advisor, was very nice and let us have a few minutes to just be a kid after all of the educational information. 

We learned they have and Wildlife and Natural Resources class and they have hunting property next to their school, which they use during school. Us kids thought that was the coolest thing and all wanted to move to Alabama. Overall I think this was one of the coolest stops so far just because it was a good thing to see how another school runs their program. I was very impressed and very thankful that Mr. Butler was so kind to us.


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Until Next Year

  This is the final entry for Summer Ag Tour 2022. Look for next year's blog as we travel to Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Sp...