Sunday, June 5, 2022

White Oak Pastures by: Andrew

 Hello everyone,

On June 4th, we went on a tour to White Oak Pastures, a multi-generational farm. Ms. Jodi shared the history of the farm and gave us a summary of the goals of the farm. One of those goals for White Oak Pastures is to raise all of their livestock with natural ingredients, free of chemicals. She talked about regenerative agriculture. Keeping the soil healthy so that the grasses the animals feed on is richer in nutrients. They raise pigs, chickens, goats, sheep, geese, turkey, cattle, duck, and guinea. 

They have a red meat and a poultry abattoir, where they also process their own meat. Ms. Jodi shared some videos on how the animals are harvested. As they process, they don’t waste anything. They turn all of the other parts they don’t use for consumption into by-products. Such as soaps, leather belts, leather bags, etc. They also use animal blood as a fertilizer for their pastures and crops. 

They also take the byproducts and make in to a variety of items that are sold in their general store.

In this area they bring in the hides and process into rawhide bones.

They also talked about how they raise some of their sheep under solar panels. They do this to have the sheep eat the grass under the panels as a substitute for chemical herbicides. A win-win situation for the solar company and for them. 
I also want to thank this farm for providing us with a delicious lunch. This was a great experience overall.

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Until Next Year

  This is the final entry for Summer Ag Tour 2022. Look for next year's blog as we travel to Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Sp...